The Inner Peace Process

12 Steps to Transforming Pain To Inner Peace

From the book, “Living Inner Peace: A Personal Guide to Greater Happiness” by Wanda Marie

Steps 1-5

We Begin by Answering These Preliminary Questions:

Steps 6-12

Now the groundwork has been laid and its time to take back your power by using the 7 Principles for transforming Pain to Inner Peace. Answer the following empowering questions by being completely honest with yourself:


1. Its not about friends, or enemies, only teachers;

2. What we give out, we eventually get back;

3. To blame is to point your finger and lose your power;

4. Anger is a final attempt to control a situation;

5. Control can stunt your growth;

6. Expectations can make you miserable;

7. Peace comes from the inside out, no one can give it to you;

8. Inner Peace regardless of circumstance is your personal choice;

9. Fear locks you up, Love sets you free; and

10. Withholding love is self destructive.


I am aware that this situation is disturbing my inner peace and I have surrendered my freedom to it. I accept the fact that without my freedom I can do very little.

I am ready to forgive myself and everyone else because I realize that whatever I hold onto has a hold on me, and I am ready to be free. 

I am grateful that it is never too late to reclaim my freedom, and I reclaim it right now.

I have faith that everything happens for a reason even though I may not understand it, and I absolutely know that life IS good, and all is well.

I surrender my ego, my anger and my need to control, and I let go, and I let God.

I willingly give from my heart, love to those who may need it the most, for I am free once again, fee to be me.